sábado, mayo 05, 2007

De Meme...

Seven Readers!!

Hace un par de días, Kix me pasó este Meme. Se trata de copiar la página 123 del libro que actualmente uno está leyendo. Así que, lo hago a continuación. El libro en cuestión es Science Fiction: The New Critical Idiom de Adam Roberts:

PICARD: I will Resist you with my last ounce of strenght.
THE BORG: Strenght is irrelevant. Resistance is futile fi Your culture will adapt to service us.
PICARD: Impossible¡ My Culture is based on freedom and self-determination.
THE BORG: Freedom is irrelevant. Self - determination is irrelevant. You must comply.
PICARD: We would rather die.
THE BORG: Death is irrelevant.

The power of this exchange resides less in the way the Borg assert something, for instance that they are “stronger" than the Federation and can force complicity; after all, as they say, “streght is irrelevant". More powerful is their is extraordinary statement of values, or rather anti values. The Construction that such-and-such is “irrelevant" does not even engage in a dialectic with the thing in question, because to do that would be to suggest that because the Borg are prepared to engage with it, the thing in question has some value. But they are utterly dismissive. The Borg do not say “your strenght is insufficient", wich, by implication would imply “we value our superior strenght". Instead they say “strenght", with the implication of all strenght, your, ours, is “irrelevant". It does not figure. Similarly, and most radically, they do not even value life, the being that is the most basic to any humanist conception of existence. It is impossible for us to enter imaginatevely in to the world of the Borg because certain key values we hold, values like individuality, life/death and so on, are too centrally part of us, Whereas for the Borg they are neither good nor bad but simply irrelevant.


“Cyberspace" is a term in increasing currency today. It refers to notional space of the internet and virtual reality, to the computer generated enviroments into which human beings can enter through a computer or a virtual reality suit. In reality this “space" is fairly limited, but many science fiction texts posit a time when cyberspace is an exciting and dynamic realm of possibilities. Its cognate SF sub-genre is cyberpunk.

...ahí está Kix...supongo que debo pasar este Meme...pero siempre lo hago a quien quiera responderlo...

Saludos desde una Mérida que anda hoy en los 42 gracos centígrados...

Así las cosas hoy sábado...

Salud pues...

PS1...Casa llena en la última función del ciclo...happy, happy, happy...

PS2......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love...you make...

3 comentarios:

  1. hola mr. mouse hunter... yo he terminadode leer the five people you meet in heaven... pero sinceramente, no doy para hacer el meme... muero de sueño... ando de pachanga, celebrando solita (como babosa) mis catorce años de casada... en hong kong y sin jackie chan... buaaaa! y encima vino hasta el papa a felicitarme, y tu ni la sombra!
    besitos festejones!

  2. Jeje, también me lo pasó a mí, ¡pero no lo he hecho!

    ¡42 grados! No te pases, yo a esa temperatura me derrito. :-S

    Buen inicio de semana.
